
Below is a short description of some of the locations in Pride and Prejudice.  If you click on the locations inside the **, there is a more detailed description page.  All locations to updated in due time.  Thank you for your patience.

**Longbourn**: The Bennet family estate near the town of Meryton. Longbourn will be inherited by Mr. Collins when Mr. Bennet dies.
**Netherfield**: Bingley's estate near Longbourn and near the town of Meryton.
Meryton: Town near Longbourn where Mrs. Phillips lives and the soldiers are boarded.
Rosings: Lady Catherine De Bourgh's estate in Hunsford. Mr. Collins has a parish near this estate, and Elizabeth visits Rosings while she is visiting Charlotte. Elizabeth is at Rosings when Mr. Darcy proposes to her and she turns him down.
**Pemberley**: Mr. Darcy's estate in Derbyshire. Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy run into one another there while she is on a vacation with the Gardiners, and that is where they begin to rekindle their relationship.
Hertfordshire: The neighborhood, or county, where Longbourn, Netherfield, and Meryton are all located.
Hunsford: The town where Charlotte and Mr. Collins live.
Brighton: The town to which the soldiers from Meryton are moved. Lydia follows the troops there and that is when she runs away with Wickham.
Derbyshire: The county where Mr. Darcy's estate, Pemberly, is located.

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